1. Active participation & feedback
This course is not a "spectator sport". You play an active role in driving your own learning and contributing to the learning of the other 8-11 participants in your group. You'll be encouraged to take reasonable risks to give and receive feedback (we suggest a 15% risk, which is out of your comfort zone and builds new skills, but will keep you safely out of any "panic" zones). This is unlike passive classroom-style learning experiences.
2. Willingness to identify and talk about your feelings and emotions
Our emotions drive our actions. Understanding more about this link, learning what types of feelings and reactions our behavior generates in others, and learning to be with and respond to others members' feelings, are all foundational to T-group learning. We'll encourage you to recognize and share feelings as a key ingredient in your feedback. You may choose to highlight some personal stories with the group that are relevant to what's emerging in the circle, but this isn't required.
Importantly, this is not a therapy group. We won't ask about intensely private experiences or publicly unpack the layered roots of our behavior. We also won't be discussing trauma. If you're currently in therapy please consult your therapist to ensure it's a good time for you to engage in this type of intensive learning experience.
3. A desire to stretch yourself
You'll need to be willing to take risks, make some mistakes, and have conversations that may feel vulnerable and uncomfortable.
Learning requires us to stretch and try new things. We won't problem-solve or role-play. Conversations are about real thoughts and reactions group members have to one another and to what is (or isn't!) happening. Much learning comes from authentic "here and now" feedback that participants give and receive, which can be refreshing and a bit outside our comfort zones.
Participants report that the rewards are well worth their investment in momentary discomfort. And, it's important to assess whether this is something you're open to doing at this moment in time.
This course is not a "spectator sport". You play an active role in driving your own learning and contributing to the learning of the other 8-11 participants in your group. You'll be encouraged to take reasonable risks to give and receive feedback (we suggest a 15% risk, which is out of your comfort zone and builds new skills, but will keep you safely out of any "panic" zones). This is unlike passive classroom-style learning experiences.
2. Willingness to identify and talk about your feelings and emotions
Our emotions drive our actions. Understanding more about this link, learning what types of feelings and reactions our behavior generates in others, and learning to be with and respond to others members' feelings, are all foundational to T-group learning. We'll encourage you to recognize and share feelings as a key ingredient in your feedback. You may choose to highlight some personal stories with the group that are relevant to what's emerging in the circle, but this isn't required.
Importantly, this is not a therapy group. We won't ask about intensely private experiences or publicly unpack the layered roots of our behavior. We also won't be discussing trauma. If you're currently in therapy please consult your therapist to ensure it's a good time for you to engage in this type of intensive learning experience.
3. A desire to stretch yourself
You'll need to be willing to take risks, make some mistakes, and have conversations that may feel vulnerable and uncomfortable.
Learning requires us to stretch and try new things. We won't problem-solve or role-play. Conversations are about real thoughts and reactions group members have to one another and to what is (or isn't!) happening. Much learning comes from authentic "here and now" feedback that participants give and receive, which can be refreshing and a bit outside our comfort zones.
Participants report that the rewards are well worth their investment in momentary discomfort. And, it's important to assess whether this is something you're open to doing at this moment in time.
Let's connect
*We promise not to share your contact information, with anyone, ever. And our emails will be very infrequent.
”Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment. Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune in to what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.”
We will be learning about and practicing giving feedback, having uncomfortable conversations in a productive way, and new ways to engage in the world with your full self -- whether at home, at work, or in your community. If you'd like more information beforehand, here are 2 books we recommend
This is 100% REFUNDABLE.
designed to do two things: (1) help you reflect and make sure you’re ready for this type of learning experience, and (2) help us understand what you’d like to accomplish on the weekend. Then …
For those registering, your non-refundable workshop fee will be due in its entirety by May 3rd. You may choose to pay this in installments, if desired. At least 50% will be due prior to your 1st coaching call.
Schedule your 30-minute 1:1 pre-workshop coaching call (included) for May 7th or earlier.
Develop 2-3 potential learning goals to review/discuss in your call.
What happens after I register? (with Next Steps button)
We also advise planning low-key or no-obligation evenings after workshop hours.
We will be learning about and practicing giving feedback, having uncomfortable conversations in a productive way, and new ways to engage in the world with your full self -- whether at home, at work, or in your community. If you'd like more information beforehand, here are 2 books we recommend
This is 100% REFUNDABLE.
designed to do two things: (1) help you reflect and make sure you’re ready for this type of learning experience, and (2) help us understand what you’d like to accomplish on the weekend. Then …
For those registering, your non-refundable workshop fee will be due in its entirety by May 3rd. You may choose to pay this in installments, if desired. At least 50% will be due prior to your 1st coaching call.
Schedule your 30-minute 1:1 pre-workshop coaching call (included) for May 7th or earlier.
Develop 2-3 potential learning goals to review/discuss in your call.
What happens after I register? (with Next Steps button)
We also advise planning low-key or no-obligation evenings after workshop hours.